From Author

now, in 2032, U.S. President Joseph Guerrero contends with a menacing giant of China. Maximum Risk characterizes not only a contest for continents, but also a dead-heat U.S. Presidential election wherein the normally hostile attitudes of the two leading candidates have given way to decidedly mixed emotions. The potentials for geo-political catastrophe, world war, and an impossible romance were never higher.
apoleon Bonaparte reportedly cautioned the world about China: “There lies a sleeping giant. Let him sleep. For when he wakes, he will shake the world.” Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger ignored Napoleon’s advice, and

ABout the author
Peter Peace Jones spent more the three decades in the music business starting his journey at the legendary RCA record label and ending his career as President and CEO of Bertelsmann Music Group’s Distribution Company (BMG).
Jones has been writing poetry and fiction for two decades while living along the eastern seaboard of the United States--currently on the Jersey Shore. Maximum Risk is his fifth novel.